Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What Kind Of Tree Are You

There are many types of trees in the world, some are good for fruit that tastes sweet and some are tart, some are bitter and some have fruit on them that are pleasant to the eye.  This reminds me of Eve in the Garden of Eden, the Word says this about it in Genesis 3:6, “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.  She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.”  There was nothing wrong with the fruit, no, it was Eve’s non-resistance to the temptation, which was the problem in this situation affecting her and Adam, for he also ate.

It seems that people are related to fruit trees in God’s Word, which is why I titled this ‘Tidbit,’ “What Kind Of Tree Are You.”  What kind of fruit are you producing?  I believe if a person is related to Christ he or she will bear much good fruit and those that don’t belong to Christ will bear much bad fruit.  The Bible claims that we can know the tree by its fruit.  

This is very important in ministry, choosing the right person for the right position is crucial.  Many times the wrong person is chosen by their qualifications or the gifts they have but their character is not examined and brought into consideration.  You can choose a person with all the gifts and talents in the world but if they have certain flaws in their qualifications you will end up being sorry for your decision.  It is imperative to see what kind of fruit they bear in their lives.  

I am not saying the person will be sinless or that anyone should start a witch hunt by condemning every flaw the person has but I think you should observe the person to see what their true character is.  Do they hold fast to the things that are good and avoid the things that are evil?  Are they conforming to the world or are they being transformed by renewing their minds, being saturated with the Word of God?  Are they faithful in their prayer life seeking to honor the Lord with their lives?  How is their giving, are they robbing God of their tithes and offerings?  Do they consider themselves servants or as someone to be served?  What kind of family do they have and what is their home like?  If they can’t take care of their own home and family, how can they do a ministry effectively?  What do their kids and their neighbors say about them?

All of these questions should be asked and considered.  Do they love the praise of men or the praise of God, because it will show in the end in their preaching and teaching?  Have they been tried and tested or have they just been put in to avoid a gap in a ministry?  Do they bear the fruits of the Spirit which are found in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.”

These are some of the guidelines that should be followed when putting someone in a ministry.  Something to think about, God bless you and yours and may you have a great day!!                 

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