Friday, September 16, 2011

Counting Your Blessings

I think with all the flooding and confusion going on it would be a good time to hit the rewind button and count your many blessings.  This is not a time to start doubting God or questioning why He allowed these things to happen.  If you start getting wrapped up in anger and self-pity you could end up a basket case and a casualty. I know when things happen that are beyond our control, that seem to bring devastation, it is easy to waver in our faith.  These are the times when the enemy of our souls can step in with all kinds of accusations like these.

This is all God’s fault.
How could God do this to you?
If God loves you He wouldn’t have allowed this to happen.
God doesn’t care one iota about you.
Look around you, are you still going to serve God?
How could a loving God allow you to experience this tragedy in your life?
You are just kidding yourself.
Wake up, get a life.

I could go on but these are just some of the accusations that may come to your mind.  Don’t forget Satan is a great deceiver and he loves to mess with our minds.  The Bible says, “To take every thought captive unto the Lord.”  We need to heed what the Word says.  The evil one will also use people and even family and friends to accuse and throw water on your faith.  In these times we will have to stand strong in the faith and rebuke these negative thoughts and not entertain them.  I believe harder times are going to come as time goes on and if we waver now we will not be able to finish this race we are in victoriously.  When tests and trials come our way we need to dig in our heels and not step back, but go forward to win the prize of the high calling in which we were called.

Now I want to remind you of a man in God’s Word that knew what it was to be tested.  Remember Job, the Bible says; “He was blameless, a man of complete integrity.  He feared God and stayed away from evil.”  He lived in the day when sacrifices were given for sins and each time his kids would hold a celebration Job would offer a burnt offering for each of them in case they had sinned or cursed God in their hearts.

One day Job’s world seemed to begin to spin out of control, kind of like we feel today.  He probably felt devastated and confused just like us.  He lost almost everything he owned his kids, his animals and most of his servants. What was Job’s response to all this?  He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be stripped of everything when I die. The Lord gave me everything I have, and the Lord has taken it away.  Praise the name of the Lord!”

Job lost more than any of us have experienced, that I know of.  But it didn’t end there, no, Job experienced another test where he lost his health also.  He was to the point where he could have thrown in the towel and said forget it I have had enough, but he didn’t.  Then Satan’s accusations came through Job’s wife when she said this, “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity?  Curse God and die.”  But Job was not going to allow these accusations to fester in his mind for a minute. This was Job’s reply, “You talk like a godless woman.  Should we except only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?”  So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.

I wonder how many today that went through heavy or light loses, because of the flood, praised the Lord?  I wonder if any could say though He slay me I will serve Him.  I am not taking any of this lightly I have started to break down more than once when I’ve seen the devastation, but feeling sorry for yourselves and getting angry at God is not the answer and it will do nothing positive for you. When the enemy comes at you with his accusations tell him to get behind you in Jesus’ name and rebuke any of those negative thoughts.  Then hit the rewind button and think about your many blessing you have received from the Lord and meditate on them.  And I think this is very important, start thanking and praising the Lord for He is worthy.  God bless you and have a great day!       

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