Friday, August 19, 2011


When I think about a friend I am thinking about real genuine people that care about you and your welfare.  Friends are not just acquaintances, not at all, friends stick by each other through thick and thin.  If you have just one in a lifetime you are truly blessed.  When you hurt a friend they will always be ready to forgive and continue the relationship they have with you.  They don’t believe gossip they hear about you, nor do they gossip about you, they always try to give you the benefit of the doubt.  Friends don’t make fun of you or cause you to be embarrassed in front of other people, they are sensitive about your feelings.  Friends always tell you the truth even when it might hurt.  Friends don’t build you up with lies to make you feel good about yourself.  Real genuine friends try to be there for you when you need them.  Friends are not people that have just their own agenda and if you fit into their schedule they have time for you, no way they take time for you.  If you had a genuine friend before you became a believer they will respect your decision and continue to be your friend and even encourage you in the choice you made.  Some friends have loved sacrificially and laid their lives down for their friend which is the ultimate sacrifice.  I’m sure it has happened in various wars many times.

If you are a Christian this one has probably came to your mind, Jesus giving His life, not only for His friends, but also for His enemies.  The Word says in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”  Here is another verse that relates to this subject.  I took this verse from Psalms 18:24 in the New Living Translation Bible, “There are friends that destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.”  This is a quote that I found in my Bible that went with this verse, “Some people pretend to be friends and will act friendly when they don’t mean it. Why would someone be a phony friend?  The person may want to look good (being seen with the right people) or gain something through the “friendship”.  Instead of being a friend however, that person just uses the other one for his or her own gain.  Christians should not be like that. We should show respect and love for others and be honest with them. What kind of friend are you?”  

This is something to think about, how do you fit into this friendship situation.  Are you a genuine friend or just an acquaintance?  I think all of us need to grow in this area, don’t you?  God bless and have a great day!     

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