Friday, August 19, 2011

Answer the Call

There is a parable in Matthew 22:1-14 that speaks of a Jewish wedding in the days Jesus lived in, and also the end time wedding of the Lamb of God, which is Jesus and His bride, the church.  Only those who have been born-again will be able to enter this end time wedding feast.  

In this parable the King invited his servants to come into the wedding feast but they refused. The king didn’t give up, he sent out other servants to bid these people to come in, that everything was prepared, but again they refused making up excuses and also making light of it.  Some went so far as to treat them despitefully and even slew them.  When the King heard about what happened he sent out his army and killed those murderers and burned up their city.  Then he sent other servants out because those that he had called were not worthy, the King said.  Then his servants went out and invited the good and the bad to come to his wedding feast that was all prepared.  Finally the wedding was furnished with guests.

In those days when you went to a wedding someone would give you a wedding gown to wear during the wedding.  In this way everyone would know that you belonged at the wedding.  If you came to the wedding and didn’t take the garment it would be an insult to the host meaning that you didn’t intent to take part in the celebration.  Meanwhile the King came in and he noticed a man there that wasn’t wearing a garment.  The King said to him something like this, how did you get in here without a garment, and the man was speechless.  So the King told his servants to bind him hand and foot and throw him into outer darkness. Then it says there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen.

Now let’s compare this wedding to the wedding feast of the bride of Christ in the future.  That wedding will be something you won’t want to miss. That will be a celebration like no other.  And just like the King in the parable, our King, who is the King of kings, has been sending His servants out for many years to invite all who will come into His great wedding feast also.  

But I am afraid that the same things are happening, many have an excuse and many will not receive the invitations to come in.  Some think and say that you can come into the feast different ways but that thinking is deception. The devil is doing his job and many are falling for it hook-line- and-sinker, as the old saying goes.  No one will go to that feast but through Jesus Christ.  No one can get into that wedding feast without a garment, which is the righteousness of Christ.  Everyone who has been born again is covered with the garment of righteousness.  And everyone that doesn’t have on this garment will be thrown, by their own choice, into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, totally separated from the Lord forever.

Some people teach that there is no Hell where people will suffer forever, I believe there is.  But if that were true, that there is no Hell, it would be just as bad to be separated from the Lord forever.  I believe there is a place called Hell where there will be pain and suffering relating to the weeping and gnashing of teeth.  From my understanding of this verse, there was a wall around Jerusalem and there was a place where they threw garbage over the wall.  When there was a trial, the accused came before the judges in that day. After he presented his case ,if the judges couldn’t find him innocent or guilty, they would tie him up then tie a rope around his waist and hang him over the wall down to where the garbage was.  When it was very dark the animals, which included lions came out and feasted on the garbage and sometimes they would kill and eat the man hanging there.  In the meantime the person hanging there would be so scared they would weep and gnash their teeth, grinding them down. The next morning they would pull the rope up and if the person was dead or eaten they would figure he was guilty.  But if they were still alive they would think that they were innocent.  The problem was, even though they escaped death, most of them went crazy because of fear.

Doesn’t sound like fun to me.  Don’t kid yourself, if you reject the call of God on your life, you will suffer.  If you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the drawing of God in your life, don’t ignore it, the Bible says in Isaiah 55:6, Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.”  Jesus also said in John 6:44, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

So there is only one way to get to Jesus, or to heaven, and that is through Jesus.  So if you feel that drawing and the conviction over your sins, repent and tell the Lord you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. If you are sincere, you will be given a garment of righteousness and be invited to that great wedding feast someday.  Praise the Lord.  Don’t put it off, God bless and have a great day!            

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