Tuesday, March 12, 2013

All Things Will He Direct

The Word says this in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them that are the called according to His purpose.”  Does this mean that we will never experience evil or bad things in our lives if we are believers?  No, evil is in our world, but if we are patient, God will turn everything around for our good in His time.  

There are many times we look at things that happen to us as irritants and aggravations, but whatever they may be, they happen for a reason, it may be that the Lord is working through them to build patience in your character.  Not everything that happens to a believer is good, but God is able to bring good out of every situation or experience we believers face.  God doesn’t always work in our lives to make us happy; He is working so we will accomplish His purpose in our lives.  This isn’t a promise for everyone, but only for those who love Him and are fitting into His plan, people that have a new perspective and have their minds set on the Lord and His kingdom, and their faith and trust are in the Lord and what they rely on is Him.

Think about Joseph, Daniel and his three friends, Job and others I could name from the Word who all went through things that, if they had the choice, they would have probably avoided, but in the end God worked everything out to the good for each of them.  There are many people today that could give witness to this verse in their lives, maybe even you could think of something where this verse fits in your life if you were to give it some thought.  

There is another verse in the Bible I want to hit on and it is found in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Paul wrote this and he could relate to it, for he knew this was true because he had faced all kinds of trials, hardships, persecutions and even hunger and thirst, prison cells that were damp and cold, rejection from fellow Jews, been shipwrecked on more than one occasion and even stoned and left for dead.  Paul overcame many things in his spiritual walk but he knew where his strength came from.  He knew that if he was going to fight the good fight, keep the faith and win the race that was set before him, he could not rely on his own strength but only on the strength he received from the Lord.  He knew that Christ’s strength was what he needed to overcome everything that he would have to face until it was said of him, my good and faithful servant come and enter into your rest.

Now I want to use one more verse that just came to my mind while I was doing this and that is this, Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  King Solomon, David’s son, wrote this and he was full of God’s wisdom.  If we expect God’s guidance we need to acknowledge Him in all we do, He needs to become a priority in our lives.  When we were non-believers our feet were on the wide path that led to destruction, but now that we are believers our feet are on the straight and narrow path that leads to God’s kingdom.  If God is number one in our lives, He will be a vital part of our lives and He will accomplish His work in and through us because we will be working to fulfill His plan and purpose.

Question: where is God on your list, is He on the top, half way down, or on the bottom?  Only you can answer that question.  Are you seeking Him daily for guidance, or are you depending on yourself?  Be honest!  Food for thought, think about.  May God bless you and yours and may you have a super day!!  PS remember the Lord loves you, thank and praise Him for He is worthy!!   

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