Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Seek Wise Counsel

The Word says that there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors.  It also says this in Proverbs 15:22, “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established.

Have you ever heard of a person with tunnel vision?  They see things one way, having a hard time getting a balance in their understanding. Sometimes people will seek out answers from one source and many times they seek out people that think like they do.  This reminds me of clicks in the church, which usually consist of the same kind of thinkers and are close minded to any outside involvement, thinking they have it all together and have all the answers.

Living a balanced life is very hard, think of the Dems and the Republicans, it is hard for them to be bipartisan because many of them think alike and are closed minded to the other’s ideas.  This is also how cults get started, being brainwashed into one way of thinking.  I believe every person has value and every born-again person has spiritual wisdom because they have the mind of Christ.  

Every true believer has something to impart to the body of Christ that is of value and there are some that can contribute more than others, but all of us can benefit from one another’s ideas.  I found this also in Proverbs 11:14, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”

Making decisions isn’t easy in many situations, think about a court hearing, there is more than one juror to decide the final judgment; there are usually ten or more.  One person may be blinded by bias, emotions or have the wrong impression and their perspective and understanding can be severely limited.  

In order to be a wise leader at home, church or at your business, it is wise to seek out counselors and be open to their advice then weigh all the facts to make an intelligent decision.  Many times we think we know what is best for us and as a result we make very bad decisions and choices.  Sometimes when people seek out advice, or counsel, from others they may ask different people and still make the wrong choices because they don’t carefully consider the options.  When thinking about the counsel you have been given, ask yourself, is it realistic, workable and consistent with the Word of God?  Will it make an improvement and give a positive solution or direction?  Always seek counsel from people with experience and who are wiser.  

I think that many people have heard of King Solomon and how wise he was, but even Solomon fell into grievous sins, making bad choices.  When Solomon died his son Rehoboam took over as king.  Not long after that he had a decision to make.  He asked counsel from the older men and then from the younger men, deciding to go with the counsel of the younger men which caused the kingdom to be split.  Rehoboam ruled the southern kingdom and Jeroboam ruled the northern kingdom.  Jeroboam set up idols in Dan and Bethel to discourage worship in Jerusalem.  Taking wrong advice, or counsel, can make for devastating consequences which was the case here, Rehoboam divided the nation and Jeroboam led the people into idol worship and away from God.

So when you have a decision to make that is more than you can decide on your own, seek out different people’s counsel and advice, but not just from anybody, seek out wise counsel; but first pray and ask the Lord for discernment, so that you will make the right choices.  May God bless you and may you have a great day and don’t forget to thank and praise the Lord.             


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