Friday, August 31, 2012

Final Destiny

Sometimes we as Christians think and act like this is our final destiny.  We get so involved and caught up in the world that we emulate the world and all that it involves.  It seems like we are so much like the world in our thinking and actions that when people find out that we are Christians they can hardly believe it is true.  Believers should be so different that the un-believer can tell that there is something different about the believer without being told.

Whether the worldly person likes it or not, they should in their conversations acknowledge the fact that you are different and you should make them feel a little uncomfortable being around you.  Your actions and speech should bring some kind of conviction, even causing anger at times, because at times that’s what conviction does when a person is confronted with his or her sin.  Many times believers will offend non-believers without even knowing it or without any intent on their part.  Think about this; everyone that has been martyred has offended someone at one time or other.

Jesus wasn’t murdered for no reason, He was murdered because He offended many people since He spoke the truth in love.  When flesh and pride get offended, anything can happen.  I remember a time when I was convinced that if I acted more like the non-believer I would be able to witness to more people, because I was so excited about what the Lord had done in my life people wanted to run the other way when they saw me because I would share my testimony.  I must have made many people uncomfortable because I have never been too shy when it came to sharing what the Lord had done in me and my family’s lives.  

But, that was a big mistake on my part, we should never conform to the world, we should always be transformed, we should never stoop down to the world’s level to win souls, we should always try to bring people up to our level of godly living and let the Holy Spirit convict them through our testimony and the way that we live.  The problem I see is, if we act more like the world than a believer, then where will the conviction come from.  The Word says to seek first God’s Kingdom.  

As Christians we need to be very careful not to fall in love with the things of this world because we are just passing through, this is not our home.  There was a man called Demas, a co-worker of Paul’s, this is what Paul said about him in 2 Timothy 4:10, “for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.”  Demas loved worldly pleasures and worldly values.  God loved the world because He created it, but He doesn’t want us to love the world like Demas did.  We are to love and seek God’s kingdom and look forward to going there one day.  Others love the world, sin and all, like Demas.

The Word says this in 1st John 2:15-17, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.”

So be very careful that you do not fall in love with the world and its ways, for your ‘Final Destiny’ is Heaven and that is what you should be seeking.  This is something to meditate on, enough said, may God bless you and yours and have a great day!!       

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