Monday, August 13, 2012

Dry Times

There are, and have been, many different people from different cultures and backgrounds that have read my blogs and I thank the Lord for giving me this ministry.  My hope and my prayer is that God will be glorified in and through all that is said, and those that read them will be blessed, encouraged and helped through them.  Before I type these out I seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to allow His precious Holy Spirit to teach me and to bring back the truths when I need them.  I know, “Unless the Lord build the house, we labor in vain that build it.”  Many times I don’t have any idea what I am going to write on, but the Lord is, and has always been, faithful to help me bring forth a message in which I am very thankful.  Most of the time I don’t know who reads these ‘Tidbits’ but it encourages me to know that someone is reading them and some are being encouraged!  I know this because occasionally I receive comments which are also encouraging.

I know many people are struggling and discouraged about what is going on in their lives.  Even believers experience discouragement, and even despair, feeling like there is no hope in their situation.  I want to encourage all of you that feel this way today, I want you to know that there is always hope in the Lord.  I want you to know that what you are experiencing today will pass, if you do not throw away your confidence in the Lord.  If you are facing what you might call a dry time in your life, where most things seem blah and your joy has seemed to vanish, I have been there before, and seem to be there once again, but I know this too shall pass, because I have a choice.  I can dwell in this situation for the rest of my life and say, “woe is me,” or I can chose to be an overcomer and praise the Lord and thank Him for what He is going to teach me at this time in my life, as He already has, praise the Lord.

A sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving is always in order at these times of what seems like desert experiences.  Remember this; you will never go through anything that the Lord allows in your life, if you are a born-again believer, without the Lord trying to teach you something.  If you are feeling kind of spiritually dead, be encouraged, God has not left you and His purpose is to restore you to a joyful, radiant, contagious life once again.  The Lord said to the Israelites in Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”   This is great news, so take heart, this is also God’s plans for us and He will perform them for us if we trust in Him, keep His Word and not give up.

The Bible says in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  In Numbers 23:19 it says, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  Praise the Lord!  If you are in this situation because of bad choices you have made, or if there is any sin in your life that you are harboring, maybe un-forgiveness or whatever it may be, chose this day to start making the right choices and repent of any known sin, confessing them to the Lord and asking Him to forgive you.  He will if you really mean it, then watch the restoration take place and start thanking and praising the Lord.  

If it is not sin and you can’t put your finger on the problem, so to speak, continue to hang in there and start giving the Lord a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.  I think this will be good medicine and the Lord may use it to start a healing process, and don’t neglect the lessons the Lord may be trying to teach you.  May you have a super day and may the Lord bless you and yours!!              

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