Monday, June 6, 2011

The Lord And The Word

My understanding is that very few Christians read the Word. For about 32 years now the Word has been a central part of my life.  It seems a little odd when I think about it because for years I never held much interest when it came to reading.  I had no interest in school, I think I hated most everything about it thinking it was just a waste of time.  I truly regret that way of thinking now because I think I could have accomplished so much more in my life.  The only books I had any interest in were Chopper Motorcycle, Weightlifting and an occasional Girly magazine.  It seemed like I could talk about these topics most of the time. It is strange how much you know about the things that you are interested in, and how they occupy your mind and your conversations.

The Bible says in Matthew 12:34, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."  Think about the things that you know the most about, and what you talk about the most. Think about the time you met the boy or girl of your dreams, what did you talk about the most? What was on your mind and how many times did you catch yourself daydreaming about that person or literally dreaming about that person when you went to bed at night? Why do you think that happens to people? It is because these people become your treasure. The Bible says in Matthew 6:21, " Where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Everything we think about or hear goes into the mind, the things that we are not real interested in remain in the mind, but the things that become more than an interest end up residing in the heart. These things become number 1 in your life and consume your whole existence.

I am the kind of person that normally puts a 110% or more into whatever I get interested in. When I served the evil one for many years it was 110%, or more, I am ashamed to say. I sold myself out to immorality and wickedness becoming a total freak for my master who was the evil one himself. I became nothing but a puppet to do his bidding. And to my shame I groveled in the muck and mire of life. I was a candidate for destruction and annihilation of myself through suicide. Praise God, He never let me go through with any of those feelings I had at the time. When I think back on my life I think that over half of it was almost a total waste.

Then came the day that instead of playing games with God, like so many have and are still doing, I fully committed my life to the Lord. Have I been perfect since? Hardly, but I can truly say I have strived for perfection and still am. It seems like from the beginning the Lord put a desire in my heart for His Word and I devoured it, having two or three Bibles fall apart because I was in them so much.

I don’t know how many Christian books I have read over the years but there were many. I not only read the scriptures but I memorized different verses over the years. To be truthful there has not been many days gone by that I haven’t spent time with the Lord and His Word and in prayer. I am not bragging when I say these things I just think it is a natural thing for a believer to do. To me it is kind of like getting up in the morning and eating breakfast, but much more important. And believe me I haven’t missed too many breakfasts over the years. I think over the years I have put a 110% or more into my walk with the Lord.

This is why I don’t understand why so many Christians haven’t made study and reading the scriptures or spending time with the Lord and prayer a priority. I am not trying to be critical but if you have very little or no desire to do these things you might better "examine yourself to see if you are in the faith" like the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 13:5. When you make the Lord and His Word a priority, these things will burn in your hearts. You will be so consumed with the Lord and the things of His Kingdom that you will not be able to suppress them. They will become like the living water that the Lord talked about gushing forth from your lips. They will be like a fire burning within your heart. Your mouth will praise Him and you will be His witness if you seek Him and His kingdom first. Then these verses will be true in your life, "If I say I will not mention Him or speak anymore in His name, there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary of holding it in and I cannot." Check it out in Jeremiah 20:9 Revised Standard Version Bible.

Now think about this, what the two men said as they were walking on the road to Emmaus after Jesus had talked to them about the scriptures then vanished out of their sight. It is found in Luke 24:32, "And they said one to another, did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?" Just like these men, when you make the Lord and His Word top priority in your life you will experience these things also.

So if you haven’t yet started, start today! And if you have to repent and ask the Lord to forgive you for being so wishy, washy in your walk with Him, don’t put it off, do it, then make a decision to put the Lord and His Word first in your life. Then watch the way your life will change. Try it today and let me know sometime if what I said wasn’t true.

God Bless you and have a great day. And don’t forget to thank and Praise the Lord!

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