Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Sad Day

We all have had sad days, some more than others.  There is very little we can count on today; you get up in the morning, sometimes very enthusiastically, thinking it is going to be a good day, then something unexpected happens and you are crushed, then your emotions start unraveling and you are thrown into despair.  Sad days are a part of life, they happen in Christian families and non-Christian families also.

In the winter it is easy to let yourself get down and discouraged, and even allow yourself to get depressed.  Depression hits and affects many in the winter and this one is no exception.  It seems like this winter there has been more snow and it has been much colder longer than in previous years to the point that it seems like it is never going to end.  

Let me tell you what a man told me years ago.  The conversation went something like this; because it had been raining for a long period of time, I said something along these lines, “will this rain ever stop,” and his remark was very simple but to the point, he said, “it always has,” and kept walking.  This happened many years ago and I never forgot it, and what he said could be said about most things, sooner or later they come to an end and so will this winter, so if you can, think spring.  

Let yourself daydream a little bit and try to envision the beautiful green grass and the gorgeous flowers and the trees all adorned with leaves and buds of different colors.  Think of the fragrance of lilac bushes in their splendor of different colors and aroma.  Think of the sunrises and the beautiful sunsets and the warm balmy breezes.  Try to imagine the smell of the burgers, hot dogs, chicken and steaks on the outside barbecue pit smothered in your favorite toppings along with a bunch of S’mores for dessert.  

Think of the beautiful birds and animals that God created, then try to think of this; all the new life that is springing forth, that had died back in the fall, and how they are experiencing new life enjoying the warm sunshine and rain.  Then, if you are born-again, you can think about how you were once dead spiritually and now you are alive spiritually, you have also received new life.  When you have totally immersed yourself in that thought and really realize what that means then you can get excited because of that and start rejoicing and praising the Lord.  When you start rejoicing and praising the Lord then you will get your mind off yourself and on the Lord and your depression should start to be less and less and you should start to feel much better.  If you do this on a daily basis you should start coping with the winter much better and before you know it spring will be here and you will get back to your old self again, praise the Lord!!  Something to think about, may you have a great day and may the good Lord bless you and yours!!

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