Tuesday, July 10, 2012

When Jesus Appeared

It seems from my own experience that Jesus shows up when I least expect Him to.  At times when I feel like I have a lot of faith it seems like He is nowhere to be found, then at other times, when I don’t seem to have a lot of faith, He shows up.  At least that seems to happen with me at times. Many times when you least expect Him to, He may show up, but at the time you may not know it is Him.  

This reminds me of the verse in Hebrews 13:2 which says this, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.”  You can be sure if an angel shows up to help you in your time of need that the Lord sent him.  This has happened various times in the Word and I have heard of it happening in our time also.  You never can tell when the Lord will show up and amaze you with His presence.  

I am not saying that the Lord isn’t always with you if you are born-again, because He always is.  The Word says that He will never leave us or forsake us.  I am talking about the times He illuminates your mind like when you are reading the Word and the words seem to jump from the page into your heart and you have a clear understanding of what you are reading and you might say, “I never saw that before,” but you know that you have read it more than once.  Or when you pray for a healing and it happens instantly or when He speaks something into your mind and you know without a shadow of doubt that it was Him.  Or maybe a time when a check came in the mail that you least expected, when you were almost ready to give up not knowing where you were going to get the money to meet the need at that time.

Praise the Lord, I have had these things happen to me and my family plus many more things have happened many times when I didn’t expect them to take place.  I remember a time when I wanted to go on a missionary trip but I was undecided whether I should go or not.  Then, when a check came in the mail, I knew I should go and the Lord’s peace flooded my soul from then on throughout the whole trip.  Many conversions took place and even some healings and many people heard the gospel, praise the Lord, in which I give Him all the glory!  That trip was the highlight of my Christian experience.  

I have said all this to say that I think this is normal Christianity, or should be, and to encourage you that even though dry times will come, times when you think the Lord is far away and your prayers seem to just bounce off the ceiling and the Lord is nowhere to be found, hang in there and He will appear at a time when you least expect Him to.  There is one thing that will hinder Him and that is un-confessed sin and repentance.  So, if this is the problem, repent, confess and find the forgiveness you need and that fellowship will be restored, praise the Lord!!

After Jesus was crucified, the disciples and His followers were very discouraged, probably feeling very lonely and deserted, a little like what we may feel at times.  Jesus knew that would happen and once more He appeared to all of them, blessed them, instructed them and met their needs.  When He went up, they saw Him go, but not before He promised to send them a Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, and that is what He did, not only for them but for all who would believe in Him and put their hope in Him.  So every born-again believer can know that they have Jesus within them in the form of the Holy Spirit, praise the Lord!  He is only a prayer away and don’t be too shocked when He shows up in a very special way when you least expect Him to.  May the Lord bless you and yours and have a super, super day!!             

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