Friday, December 23, 2011

Our Deliverer

As believers we have a deliverer and His name is Jesus.  To some these might seem like just words on a page without much meaning.  When you look at your circumstances you might feel like, where is God, does He care about my situation, if He does then why doesn’t He change my situation?

God wants us to grow where we are, but that doesn’t mean that He isn’t working behind the scenes to change what is going on in our lives when He is ready and when we are ready.  There are many times, because of our own choices we put ourselves in situations we create and then we blame God for putting us there and not delivering us right away.  Sometimes they may be the consequences of our choices so the Lord doesn’t deliver us right away.  The Lord loves to deliver people from sin, sickness, demon possession or bondages.  But there are times when it seems like the Lord is not interested at all.  

My feeling is if the Lord doesn’t rescue us right away it is because we need to learn from the choices we made.  The Lord’s responses are not always like sticking your hand in a fire resulting in a burn right away, if it was, how would we ever learn from our bad choices?  If God solved every problem instantly we would not learn much.  When God seems to take His time, people start to give up and start accusing the Lord of not caring.  Did you ever think you learned a lesson just to find yourself in a similar situation and failing, making the same bad choice over again?  The Lord wants you to learn the first time so you won’t repeat it over and over.

The Lord always responds out of love for His children so He takes us through a learning process and that might take a while.  Sometimes we may forget that God isn’t on a time schedule, He has all the time in the world.  But we live in a microwave existence wanting everything instantly, the sooner the better unless it is something we don’t like.  We seem to always be in a hurry but most of the things that are worth learning are the things that take time.  If we could just learn to slow down and listen and learn.

Think about Mary and Martha, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening and learning and Martha was busy preparing a meal and serving.  I remember when God delivered me from depression, I was in that situation between 12 and 14 years but I never gave up and I was delivered, praise God.  Then the deliverance from asthma took about 30 years but I was completely healed and delivered miraculously.  

There was a lady in the temple that was bent over for eighteen years, bound by satan and she was healed by Jesus, the story is in Luke 13:10-17. In the NAS Bible it says, “she was bend double and could not straighten up.”  It’s hard to imagine how she managed all those years in that condition.  

So don’t lose heart if you are struggling with something that you have been praying for, for a long time today or tomorrow may be the day for your deliverance, but if not just hang in there.  Look up scriptures on healing and deliverance and quote them every time you pray believing that the Lord is going to do what He promised and speak them out boldly but respectfully.  God bless you and have a great day!! 


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