Monday, February 18, 2019

Times of Testing

Have you ever experienced times of testing, and if so, how did you respond?  I believe every believer will experience times of testing at one time or other. Have you ever thought, or said, something like this?  A Psalm of David 13:2-5, “How long, Adonai? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I have cares in my soul and daily sorrow in my heart, How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look at me and answer, Adonai my God Light up my eyes, or I will sleep in death. Or else my enemy will say: “I have overcome him!” and my foes will rejoice because I am shaken.”

David had a lot of enemies seeing that he was the King of Israel.  I don’t know this for sure, but it sounds like David was struggling like we all do at times.  We all have questions that seem to not have answers at times.  Sometimes we pray and it seems like the heavens are made of brass, so to speak, and no one is listening.  This could go on for a number of years, believe me I know from experience, I went through a struggle with something for 12 to 14 years before the deliverance came, and it had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.  When we go through these times, we normally have questions; David had his questions and Job had his questions also.  I’m sure many people in God’s Word had questions, like Joseph and Abraham.

The reason why I am on this subject is that people react differently in these times of testing and ask why would God allow this to happen to me.  Then the complaining starts and then if they’re not careful the bitterness sets in and some start getting angry and some just throw in the towel, so to speak, and give up completely and I wouldn’t want to see that happen to anyone.  I want you all to know testing is a normal part of Christianity and so is correction, or chastisement, if you need it.  

There are many people that would say God wouldn’t do that; my feelings are whether He does it or not He allows it to take place, if not it wouldn’t happen.  When He allows anything to happen in a born-again believer’s life it is always for our own good.  God’s Word says this in Romans 8:28, “Now we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”

So, if you are going through any of these situations keep thanking and praising the Lord, for He is worthy.  What you are going through won’t last forever, so hang in there, God is faithful, and if your response is not my will but thine be done, God will take care and deliver you from the situation and He will lift you up in due time, so hang in there and never give up!!

My prayer is that this will be an encouragement and a blessing to all who read it.  May the good Lord bless you and yours and may you have a super day. This is David’s response after what he experenced in Psalm 13:6, “But I trust in Your lovingkindness, my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to Adonai, because He has been good to me.”  If you can respond to your situation like David did, I think you will be an overcomer!!  Don’t forget to thank and praise the Lord for He is worthy!!

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