Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Have you ever had an Emmaus road experience?  Not long after Jesus was crucified, died and was laid in the tomb and rose again, two of Jesus’ disciples were walking down the road to Emmaus.  Cleopas was the name of one of the disciples that met Jesus on the road going down to Emmaus, but he along with the other disciple, were kept from recognizing Him.

This was a very sad day for these two men as they were talking about what had happened to their Lord just prior to this experience, then Jesus joined them, but they were kept from recognizing Him.  While they were walking along, Jesus asked them about what they were discussing.  They must have been shocked because they stood still with a gloomy look on their face saying, “are you the only one visiting Jerusalem that doesn’t know what has happened there in these days?”  Then the Lord said, “what kind of things,” to which they went on to explain them to Him.  Then Jesus said to them, “oh foolish ones, so slow of heart to put your trust in all that the Prophets spoke!”  Then Jesus gave them a history lesson about Himself in the scriptures.  As they approached the village where they were going Jesus acted like He was going further, and they encouraged Him to stay with them because it was getting late and so He did.

Now all during this time they had no idea who Jesus was.  It happened as Jesus was reclining at the table, He said the blessing and broke bread with them and as He gave it to them their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, and He disappeared from them.  Then they said to one another, “didn’t our hearts burn within us while He was explaining the scriptures to us?”  They got up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, but this time they weren’t sad, they probably had mixed feelings and I would say that they were very excited and told the other disciples what had happened.  What an experience that must have been; first to recognize their Lord right there with them, and then to see Him vanish right in front of them, then to realize how their heart burned within them when their Lord was explaining the scriptures to them.

Question: Have you had any experiences with the Lord that made you so excited you couldn’t wait to share them with others?  I have had many experiences with the Lord that I couldn’t wait to share with someone, there is nothing like the peace and joy of the Lord.  I have been on the mountaintop, so to speak, at various times and I have also been in the valley, or you might say the desert but like I always said there is no better way to live than to live a Christian life, or something close to that statement.  I realize that there are many people that don’t believe that the Lord exists but if they would just taste and see that the Lord is good, they would realize how wrong they have been!!

Please read what God’s Word says in Psalms 34:8-9, “The angel of Adonai encamps around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Taste and see how good Adonai is. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”  

I have said this in other Tidbits, that if the Lord touches you, you will never be the same and that is so true, as far as I am concerned.  Maybe you could share, in a comment, some of the experiences that the Lord has done in your lives that excited you, so that I can be excited with you.  Then for those that don’t have a personal relationship with the Lord, but just religion or nothing at all, you need to seek the Lord while He may be found, repenting by turning away from your sins and turn instead towards the Lord, the One who says to His people I will never leave you or forsake you, even unto the end of the age.  Then confess and ask the Lord to come in and be your Lord and Savior.   I believe if you are serious you will find forgiveness and you will know what it means to be born-again and to taste and see that the Lord is good!!  Then let me know, in a comment, so that I can pray for you.  

I pray that this Tidbit, was a blessing and an encouragement to you and may the good Lord bless you and yours and may you all have a super, super day!

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