Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Have You Been Changed?

Today I have some questions for you:

I would like you to think back to the time you received the Lord as your Savior, how has your life changed?  Be honest and real with yourself and think about where you were then spiritually and where you are today.

Are you growing or are you stagnating?

Has there been a significant difference or are you basically the same as you were when you started out?

Have your priorities changed or are they the same?

Are you still conforming to the world or are you being transformed by renewing your mind, studying the Word and putting it into practice, or are you just going through the motions and not transforming and not growing in your walk of faith?

How is your prayer life, and are you having daily devotions, spending important time with the Lord?

Are you spending time thanking and praising the Lord when you are not at church just because you choose to?

Are you witnessing to others about what the Lord has done in your life?

Have you ever been laughed at because of your faith or been made fun of in anyway?

Are you still excited and full of joy or haven’t you ever felt that way since you made your confession of faith?

I have heard something like this before, “If you are not growing or going forward in your faith, you are falling back, there is no neutral ground.”  These are important questions that we all need to think about.  

The apostle Paul said this in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  If you have been born-again you are a brand new person inside, your body has become the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit who dwells inside you.  You are not the same anymore, nor have you turned over a new leaf.  You are not rehabilitated or reformed, you are brand new creations in Christ so your life has to be different, not perfect, but your way of thinking and acting and your speech has to be different than it once was.  

It is kind of like metamorphosis, think of the caterpillar and the butterfly.  They go into the cocoon an ugly caterpillar and come out a beautiful butterfly. In the same way before our rebirth we were dirty and ugly inside, full of the stench of sin, but afterwards we are cleansed and washed through the blood of Jesus, and though our sins were as scarlet now they are white as snow, praise the Lord, and we have become beautiful in the Lord’s eyes.

See why these questions are important to ask yourself, they may help keep you from being deceived plus Paul said this in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.”  As Christians we need to take inventory of our lives and where we stand faith-wise.  Just like getting a physical checkup, we need a spiritual checkup at times also.  Look for a growing awareness of Christ and also His power being manifested in our lives.  Then we can know if we are the real thing or just imposters in the faith.  If we are not taking steps to have a closer relationship with Christ, then we may be falling away.

This is the most important question of all, are you truly born-again or have you been deceived?  Only you and the Lord know for sure, so if you are questioning it or you are not sure, don’t hesitate to ask the Lord in all sincerity and make sure you are.  If you sincerely want to be born-again you can say this prayer.  “Dear Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins.  Please forgive me and cleanse me with your precious blood that was shed on my behalf for my sins.  Please be my Savior and the Lord of my life, thank you so much for your sacrifice.  In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen”  Then find a Bible believing church, get a Bible if you can and start studying and growing in your new found faith.  May God bless you and yours and have a super day!!  PS always thank and praise the Lord!!                     

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