Friday, March 20, 2020


I’d like to honor the Lord and give Him praise like I try to do each day, and this no exception, for He is worthy!!  I think He has been showing me for a while that I am too proud, and I am agreeing with Him.  I also think He’s been showing me that pride does go before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction.  I had to repent and confess this horrible sin.  

This is one of the seven sins that God hates and one that we should hate also, along with all sins!!  Why would God hate this sin?  It’s because it is a sin that is hard to detect by the person that has it and it not only harms the person that has it, but it can destroy relationships in marriages and other friendships also.  Being proud and puffed up is not an attribute that anyone should want to have.  Being all puffed up and proud, thinking that you are all that, thinking you are more important than others, looking down your nose, thinking you are better than the next person and standing in judgement of everyone except yourself, is a very sinful, terrible act!!  I think that there are many who have this sin in their lives but they either are not aware of it or they don’t want to admit it.  I heard a pastor make a statement a long time ago that went like this, ‘Pride stinks and the only ones that can’t smell it are the ones who have it.’  

Pride is hard to detect at times because it seems to be easy to blame other things for it.  For instance, you may have spent a lot of time studying and memorizing God’s word, then you go around letting everyone else hear how much you know.  Not for the right reason, but mainly just to show off.  Remember this, wisdom puffs up, but love builds up.  We should all be using the word of God to win souls, with the Lord’s help, and to transform our lives to honor the Lord and bring Him praise, not to build up and edify ourselves!!  I could give other examples of pride, but I think most people know what it is and how destructive it is.     

Have you ever heard someone say to you that you are a very prideful person, and you just blew it off, thinking that the person was just jealous and just trying to hurt you?  There are times when we must examine ourselves to see if we are a prideful person.  After examining ourselves, if we realize that we do have pride in our life, we need to be careful to not excuse it.  We need to acknowledge it for what it is, sin, and then repent and confess it and ask the good Lord to forgive us and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness!!  Like I said, pride stinks and the only one who doesn’t smell it is the one who has it, that is what I was told.

I pray that this is a help and a blessing to all that read it.  May the good Lord bless you and yours with His perfect peace, love and joy and health and happiness.  May you all have a super day!!  And don’t forget to thank and praise the Lord for He is worthy!!

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