Monday, March 14, 2011

Encouragement and Discouragement

Let’s talk about discouragement and encouragement today. There is probably not a single person alive that doesn’t need to be encouraged at times.  I would say it is one of the greatest needs of our times.

Think about yourself, when was the last time you needed to be encouraged? 

Now I am going to mention some very discouraging things, but don’t lose heart, some encouragement will follow.

We live in a world of uncertainty not knowing what is going to take place from one day to the next.  It seems like any day our economy could collapse.  Food prices are rising along with gas prices and utility bills.  People are losing their homes and jobs left and right.  We have, what some call, Obamacare that will never be a success in its present form and the cost will be unattainable.

Divorce seems to be at an all time high.  Stealing, rape and murder are out of control.  The weather is running havoc around the world causing floods and a great amount of damage plus there are wars and rumors of wars.  We can hardly house all the criminals in our jails and prisons.  There are violent protesters in our streets.  Our government is run amuck and seems to be out of control trying to enslave us by taking all our freedoms away.  Judges legislate from the bench and not the Constitution.  The persecution of born–again believers is rampant in many countries of the world and many people call evil, good and good, evil by their actions and the way they live.  For centuries a married couple was acknowledged to be between one man and one woman which was God’s will but now in many places it is considered to consist of two men or two women.  Abortion is the law of the land and I could go on and on.  And because of all these things that are going on, men’s hearts are failing them from fear.

It sounds like what the Bible says will happen in the end times in Matthew chapter 24.  I invite you to read it for yourselves, don’t just take my word for it.

If you weren’t discouraged before, after reading this so far you probably are discouraged now.  Well let me try to encourage you and give you some suggestions on how you might encourage others.

All the circumstances and things that I mentioned are pretty discouraging.  But, Praise God, we as Christians don’t have to live under the circumstances. God isn’t shocked or surprised at what is going on.  I do think it makes Him sad especially when He has such a different plan for our lives.  Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.  The Word says that, “God’s purpose is not to harm us, but to prosper us and to give us hope and a future.” Praise God!  God knew all these things would take place but He doesn’t want us to be discouraged.  He wants us to be happy, encouraged, excited.  No matter what we have to face or experience He will be with us through it all.

Remember Daniel when he was put into the lions den, he came out without a scratch and look what he was facing, a bunch of hungry lions nobody thought he would come out unharmed.  The King was hoping he would, but come on, it would take a miracle but this was one of God’s children and God sent one of his ministering Spirits to close the mouths of the lions.

And what about Daniel’s three friends Shadrech, Meshach and Abednego who were thrown into a blazing furnace so hot that it killed the men that threw them in.  Did the Lord let them go through the fire alone?  Of course not!  To the King’s amazement when he looked in he saw four men walking around unbound and he said the fourth man looks like the son of a God, or a divine being.  So be encouraged regardless of what the Lord allows us to go through He will be there with us.  Remember we are His children and He loves us with a passion that we will never be able to comprehend.  If you want to read about these stories look in the Bible at Daniel chapter 3 and chapter 6.

There are many other examples in the Bible where God protected His people and He is still doing just that.  The Bible says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him.”  It also says, “no weapon formed against us shall prosper.”  Praise God!  I am not trying to say we will live a godly live without trials or tribulation, no, I am saying that whatever we go through, or suffer, it won’t happen without God allowing it to take place and He will be there with us.  The Bible says, “He will never, never leave us or never, never forsake us so.”  Be encouraged by these promises.

Now how can we encourage others that need encouragement?

*A smile and a kind word will go a long way.
*A card or an encouraging phone call will bless someone.
*Praying with a discouraged person is paramount and essential and will start the healing process.
*Showering a discouraged person with genuine love and concern will be a major healing agent.  
*If the person is not born–again, the greatest thing you could do is to invite them to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
*You could share the precious promises of God in his Word with them!

I hope what I said here was an encouragement to all who read this.  My purpose is to share the truth and bless the reader and to change your way of thinking. I hope you will apply some of these things to your lives.  God bless you and have a great day!  

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