Saturday, February 26, 2011

Responding to Miracles

How do you respond to a miracle?  People seem to look at miracles in different ways--some in shock, others in disbelief, others with jealousy, some with curiosity and others in fear.

Sometimes God works miracles using people to perform them but man cannot do them any other way.

What is a miracle anyway?  It is something that man cannot duplicate.  Remember, if man can do it, it is not a miracle.  Only God can perform a miracle because nothing is impossible with Him.  I have been watching a program on T. V. that is called, “It’s a Miracle” with Sid Roth, I have seen many miraculous things on this program.  I don’t like to miss it because it is such an encouragement to me.   I believe we should see many more miracles today than we do.  The only reason we don’t, I think, is because of our lifestyles and our lack of faith.

I don’t believe in miracles because of what others say but because I have had a miraculous healing in my life.  I also was born-again which was another miracle and I was delivered from drugs and alcohol.  Praise the Lord!

Let’s discuss this issue a little bit.

Question: what do you think hinders the working of miracles today in our country?  This country was founded on freedom of religion and Christian values and principles.  Most of our Presidents in the early days of our country’s history were Christians and lived that way.  They believed the Word of God was to be studied and meditated on and lived out in their lives. As I was typing this lesson I thought about what history teaches us.

If you know anything about the Old Testament you know about the Kings.  I think the Bible teaches that as the leaders go, the country goes because the leaders have a great influence on the people they rule over.  Many of the Kings in the Old Testament did evil in the eyes of the Lord and led Israel into sin.  When the Kings were evil the people were influenced to do evil.  This brought God’s wrath on the people instead of His blessings and it stopped the flow of miracles.  Where there are miracles there has to be faith.  Faith does not reside where there is unbelief.  

There were also some Kings that did good in the eyes of the Lord, they led the people in the right direction.  Righteousness exalts a nation, evil brings a nation down.  In the Old Testament, God’s people lived by the law.  In those days God performed miracles to prove Himself to His people and to pour out His mercy and grace on them and also to protect them from their enemies and even themselves.

Today we live in the day of grace and the Bible says that the righteous will live by faith.  Jesus said if you have the faith of a mustard seed you could say to this mulberry tree to uproot itself and jump into the sea and it would be done or you could tell a mountain to be removed and it would be moved. These things could only be done if you have, at least, the faith the size of a mustard seed.

This reminds me of a story about a boy that was dying and he wanted to see the ocean before he died.  The problem was that there was a mountain between him and the ocean and the boy couldn’t be moved.  That was the one thing he really wanted and guess what it happened construction workers came in and eventually with machines moved the mountain and before the boy died he was able to see the ocean.  Praise God.  Faith always brings about God’s blessings. You might say it moves the hand of God.

In our country we don’t call our leaders Kings we call them Presidents.  These Presidents have a lot of influence over the people they preside over, just like the Kings did in the Old Testament.  They have the authority to sign laws into being.  These laws either stand for good or evil and they can bring about God’s blessings or His wrath.

The Bible says, “That God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He doesn’t change by turning and He is not a man that He should lie.” 

I believe that miracles should be a natural part of any Christian’s life, in other words it should be the norm not the exception. 

Question: why is it the exception?  I believe there are many reasons.

*Probably the biggest reason is a lack of faith.
*The fear of the Lord is missing, replaced with the fear of people.
*Many that claim to be Christians are just fooling themselves they should examine themselves to see if they are in the faith at all.
*Many are rebelling against what the Word says.
*Many that claim to be Christians don’t even read their Bibles, how can they expect a miracle.
*Many that claim to be Christians are weighted down with sin.
*Many Christians won’t put up with sound doctrine, they only will listen to what their itching ears want to hear.

Enough said, I am sure that God would like to perform many more miracles than He does but we tie His hands, so to speak, because of the choices we make.  Let me throw this in, many Christians will not repent of their sins and turn from their wicked ways.  How do I know this is true?  Because the Lord said, “If my people who call themselves by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal their lands!” Think about it, is our land healed?  The Lord wants to prosper us and not to harm us but to give us hope and a future.  It is us that hinders the process, not Him.  

O how we need a Holy Spirit revival in the body of Christ. When, and if, that takes place the Holy Spirit will be in control and the world will see the power of God and the fear of the Lord will be experienced in the church and out of the church.  Christians will repent and confess sins, unbelievers will be saved through grace, through faith and real repentance and confession will take place.  There will be miraculous healings and people will be delivered from all kinds of things.  The games people play will cease and the Lord will be glorified.  Praise God!  If you aren’t praying for a Holy Spirit revival to take place, you need to start.  The Church has a desperate need for a great revival to take place.  Have a great day and Praise the Lord for He is worthy. 

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