Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Be Strong and Courageous

I want to talk about a man named Joshua who was Moses’ assistant.

Moses had died and God had a plan for Joshua and God’s people. With Moses gone, God had chosen Joshua to replace him in leading his people into the promise land.  Joshua has been faithful to help Moses and faithful to his calling and now God is going to use him in an even greater work because he knows that Joshua is a faithful servant.

In the book of Joshua the 1st chapter, God has some words of encouragement for Joshua and also some warnings.  Joshua knows without God’s help he will never succeed in this tremendous task. These words were true years ago and they are still true today, “Unless the Lord build the house ye labor in vain that build it.”  God promises Joshua that he would be with him just like He was with Moses.

You have probably heard this verse before, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”  We like to quote these words to each other but we need to remember not to take them out of context.

For these things to come true in Joshua’s life God gave him some commands:

First - Joshua would have to be strong and courageous.  Joshua could have no fear, and Joshua’s faith and trust in God would have to be unshakable.

Second - Joshua would have to obey all the laws that Moses gave him from God. There could be no excuses and no wavering from them.

Third – Joshua had to diligently study the book of the law and he had to meditate on it day and night so that he would be careful to keep all of them.

Fourth – Joshua was not to get discouraged.  Think about this, when you are around people that are always grumbling and always down and discouraged you can easily become discouraged.  If you hang around with upbeat, excitable, encouraging people you will probably take on that same attitude.  With the task that Joshua had ahead of him he would have to stay very optimistic and very positive relying on God all the way.  

God told Joshua if he would do all these things he would be with him and never forsake him and he would be successful wherever he went.

God backed up His word and proved it to be true many times to Joshua in Joshua’s day.  In the case of Jericho God rolled back the flood waters of the Jordan River so Joshua and God’s people could walk across on dry ground.  Then the Lord caused the walls of Jericho to fall down miraculously. These walls were wide enough to race a chariot on them.  As long as Joshua and the Israelites did what God commanded them to do they were victorious over their enemies.  

What is God talking to you about, and how does this lesson apply to you in your situation?

I think all the things that God told Joshua to do, we need to keep in mind for ourselves.

Have no fear; be committed to God’s call on our lives; walk in faith; study the Word diligently; have an upbeat attitude; never give up until the Lord calls us to a different ministry; put the Word into practice; and trust the Lord all the way.

Praise God! Have a great day!     


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