Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Righteous Forsaken

 I have never seen the righteous forsaken, have you?  I have seen them in all kinds of situations; discouraged, in pain, angry, hurt, persecuted, sad, lonely, scared, rejoicing, happy, deceived and rejected and in doubt, tired, proud and arrogant and complacent and also sick, I am sure if I thought about it more, I could come up with even more things, but I have never seen them forsaken!!

Think about Jesus’ disciples, all of them went through some of these things, if not all of these things, but none of them were forsaken.  You are probably thinking what about Judas, but remember he made the choice to forsake and betray Jesus, it wasn’t Jesus that did the forsaking, it was Judas.  He was in charge of the money and would help himself to it whenever he felt inclined to!!  He was a very greedy person, who had a free will and choose to sin just like Adam and Eve, and also Ananias and Sapphira, think of this, the Lord will always judge sin.  

Now think of this also, God is complete in Himself, He needs nothing or no one, but He chooses to love people, even the most hardened sinners with their never, ever ending Jesus mantra, never Jesus.  Everyone should love the Lord because love, grace and mercy exude from His innermost being because He is love!!  Remember when Jesus was mistreated terribly then crucified?  He said something profound about the people that were responsible in Luke 23:34, he said, “But Yeshua was saying, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’”

Jesus’ very purpose was to be the sacrificial Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world; that’s how much God and His only begotten Son, Jesus, loved us, Jesus was willing to lay down His life and did just that!!  If he would have refused, we and every other believer that ever lived would have never been forgiven of ours, or their sins.  

The thing that is so remarkable is that no one could have taken His life, He had to voluntarily give Himself into their hands and He had a free will also.  But out of an unconditional love for God, His father, plus all us sinners, He made the right choice, praise his Holy name!!  He suffered, and we benefited from the choice he made.  

God’s Word says in Hebrews 9:22, “And nearly everything is purified in blood according to the Torah, and apart from the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”  Jesus’ blood was shed, meeting that requirement.  So, if we truly repent, having a change of heart and mind and turning from our sins to God by faith, confessing that we are sinners and are sorry, and mean it, we will be candidates for God’s kingdom.  And we will never be forsaken either.

Have a bright and beautiful day and may the good Lord bless you and yours with His perfect peace, love and joy, and health and happiness!!


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