Monday, January 3, 2011


I thought I would write about prayer today.

Prayer is most crucial in a Christian’s life.  If you are a believer and you have no consistent prayer time, how can you expect to be an overcomer?  Prayer is communicating, or talking, with God.  The Apostle Paul said that we should pray without ceasing, that is how important prayer is in a Christian’s life.  Prayer is not only very important but also the way you pray is of the utmost importance.

In the book of James chapter 1 verse 6 it talks about praying with faith. The Bible also says in verse 9 "that without faith it is impossible to please God for all who come to Him must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him."  If you pray to the Lord without believing that you will receive what you prayed for, then you can’t expect to receive anything.

Question: what is faith and why is it so important anyway? The Bible in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 tells us what faith is, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen."  It means that when you pray for healing, or whatever you pray for, you expect it to take place.  I think it means that you won’t take no for the answer.  So if it doesn’t happen you press into God and you keep coming back until you get what you pray for.

So, why is faith important? Because it shows that we trust God to do what He said He would do believing He will do all we ask and much more.

There is something else we need to keep in mind when we pray and that is to fear the Lord out of respect and not try to take advantage of Him.  Remember God is our provider and not our sugar daddy.  So when you pray don’t pray silly, foolish and selfish prayers and expect to get your prayers answered.

Now I am going to come back to not giving up in prayer.  There is a parable or story that Jesus spoke of in Luke 18:1–8 about a woman and an unjust Judge. This Judge didn’t fear God or respect man.  The woman was a widow who came to the Judge with a request saying, "help me against mine adversary."  He refused for awhile but because she kept coming he granted her request because he knew she would eventually wear him out and not because he cared anything about her, no he just got tired of her pestering him.  Then Jesus went on to say, "hear what the corrupt or unjust judge said! And shall not God avenge or protect his own elect who cry day and night to Him though He bear long with them. I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh will He find faith on the earth."  Jesus is talking about persevering in prayer, with faith, and not giving up. 

Just prior to Jesus' coming, things will be very difficult, there will be much persecution and turmoil, the love of most will wax cold.  Please read Matthew 24 verses 4–14 it explains what the conditions will be like. No wonder Jesus made this statement, "nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh will He find faith on the earth?" I sure hope that He will!

There is a big difference between God and the unjust Judge! They both are judges but God judges from a heart of love and compassion, plus God is a just judge knowing the end from the beginning of the story.  He knows the thoughts and the intent of the heart so He will always judge fairly.  The unjust or corrupt judge cares only about himself and what he can gain.

Let me share with you my version of a story I had heard or read somewhere.  This story is about a champion boxer named Sullivan, it was many years ago when this fight took place, and it was with a virtually unknown boxer.  This match was for the Championship and it went on for 25 rounds.  The contender went in the ring round after round and was beaten severely.  After each round the referee would ask the contender if he wanted him to call the fight and he would respond with, "no I want to go another round."  This went on for 24 rounds and the contender was in horrible shape.  The referee asked again, "do you want me to call the fight," thinking this man could take no more. But the answer was the same, "no I want to go another round." When the contender went in the 25th round he punched the champion so hard he knocked him out cold.  Just think, what if he would have quit in the 24th round look what he would have missed out on, he would have still been a contender but now he was a champion.

What if I had stopped praying for my healing the day before it happened, I would have never experienced the miracle healing that I received more than once.  Praise God!

I said all this to encourage you to never give up doing whatever God has called you to do until He releases you of that calling and never, never give up on prayer. Remember you reach up as high as you can, in prayer, and God will reach down the rest of the way.  Praise God!

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