Monday, October 16, 2017

God’s Loving Kindness Endures Forever

God’s ‘chesed’ (lovingkindness) is and has always been with us, it has lasted through many generations and will never end until the Lord returns, but those of us who go to heaven to be with the Lord will always experience the Lord’s lovingkindness forever and ever, amen, praise the Lord!!  Without God’s lovingkindness where would any of us be?  

I know this is true beyond a shadow of doubt.  The Israelites experienced over and over again how God was so loving and kind and even patient with them.  The Jewish nation was the unlikeliest nation that most people would have thought the God of the universe would have ever chosen out of all the other nations and they were even called the apple of God’s eye.  God poured out His love on them to the point that you would think that they would have been overwhelmed at the grace and love He showered on them.  But that wasn’t the case at all, all you have to do is read the Old Testament and you will read about how many times they rebelled against God and backslid, worshiping idols and rejecting what God called them to do; in fact, God called them a stiff necked people because of the way they acted.  But when they got in situations where they were very devastated they cried out to God and He would end up delivering them from the hands of their enemies.

God’s lovingkindness was seen many, many times throughout history and we still see it today.  The Gentiles experienced the lovingkindness of God also.  Remember when Jesus was ministering to the Samaritan woman who was half Jew and half Gentile, or you might say a half breed?  The Jews hated the Samaritans and would have nothing to do with them, but Jesus, who was a Jew, went and ministered to her.

Remember Peter when he was in a trance and had a vision where he saw the heavens opened and what appeared to be a sheet, three different times with unclean animals?  He heard a voice say, “get up and eat,” to which Peter replied, “not so Lord, I have never eaten anything unholy or unclean.”  Then the voice said to him, “what God has made clean, you must not consider unholy.”  This happened when the men sent by Cornelius went to where Peter was staying.  At one point Peter and Paul were sent to the Gentiles and preached to them also.  There is no one that was ever born that hasn’t experienced the lovingkindness of God even though many would not admit it.  If you would like you can read about Peter’s vision in Acts chapter 10 in the Word of God!!

Please read Psalms 63:3-6, “Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
my lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips. When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches.”

David experienced the love of God many times and He was so thankful.  What about you, are you thankful for God’s grace and lovingkindness?  Are you thanking and praising the Lord each day for his good and perfect gifts?  And let me throw this in; are you thankful for who He is and what He is?  It doesn’t make any difference if He ever blesses you again, He is still worthy of our thanks and praise!!  So let’s just praise and thank Him for His lovingkindness, it is good medicine, praise the Lord!!  Have a super day, may God bless you and yours.

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