Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Love and Marriage

We as Christians are commanded to love one another.  Sometimes it seems that loving people is very hard to do but the Word doesn’t say that it will be easy.  What do people want the most in life?  I think love ~ because so many people don’t feel like they are loved.  Many people talk about love but their actions tell a different story.

I think love is an outward expression and action to an inward change.  I think true love has to come from the Lord, just like I think it takes three to make a good marriage, the Lord, the husband and the wife.  I am not talking about a marriage where two people exist together but a marriage that is full of love and fervor for one another where fighting is a very rare occasion and making up is full of grace, forgiveness and reconciliation. Where the Lord’s presence is desired above each other and prayer and supplication are a part of the couple’s very existence, and where the couple realizes and acknowledges, “That unless the Lord build the house ye labor in vain that build it.”  Where the fear of the Lord and the Word are implemented in the couple’s lives and a practical application is applied and not just talked about.  Where the wife is respected and treated as a treasure and where her ideas are listened to and she is not ignored or belittled in anyway.  I believe the husband should be treated in the same way and their home should be an oasis for both of them, a place of safety and harmony and a place where peace is evident and hospitality is the norm.  And also a place where the couple tries to make the Lord and His kingdom their first priority!

I think the percentage of divorces in the world today is 53 percent, and there are far too many divorces in the church today which I think is a slap in the face of God.  Is God not able to do all things or do you serve a small God that has limitations.  The Bible says in Malachi 2:16, “For I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “and him who covers his garment with wrong,” says the LORD of hosts. “So take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”  I think couples that are Christians give up far too easily when it comes to divorce.  I don’t think that it is ever God’s will to get a divorce except for physical abuse or infidelity and even these can be reconciled given time, prayer and fasting.  Too many times it is just pride, selfishness or unwillingness to be reconciled that bring about divorce.

I want to encourage you if you are going through turmoil and struggles in your marriage and you want to keep it together, God is on your side ready and willing to help you.  It seems like too many times people want to throw in the towel and give up.  They may pray for a little while then when things don’t seem to get better they just chalk it up to a bad mistake or something else.  You can be sure that God is working behind the scenes for your good, if you are standing on the Word and if by faith you don’t take no for an answer.  I think it is a fact that there have been marriages where a Christian is married to a non-believer and they were in the process of getting a divorce or even had been divorced but were reconciled.  If it can happen to them it can happen to you.  I think in many cases it is just how badly you really want the marriage to work and what you are willing to do to make it happen.  

If this is you, I hope this tidbit will encourage you to hang in there and if you would like prayer, let me know in the comments section, you don’t have to say who you are the Lord knows and I will pray for you.  God bless and have a great day!              



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