Friday, October 30, 2020


 There are so many ways to be separated from something or someone!!  It happens quite often; wives and husbands get separated, boyfriends and girlfriends get separated.  Your cat or dog may be separated from the family for one reason or another. People are separated by anger or by misunderstandings that take place.  Christians and non-christians are separated by theological differences. There are so many things that separate people from one another, being prejudice is another example which should never take place; we are all made in God’s image and likeness so that should never be used for an excuse to separate one from another.  The first commandment is ‘you shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  This is talking about the whole world, regardless of their skin color or their ethnicity, as being our neighbor, not just the people that live next door to you.  Read the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.

I think the worst separation of all is between God and people.  God never intended for these things or anything else to separate people from one another or from Him.  In other words, it would be like saying God created what he hated!!  Oh no, never let it be said of Him, please read John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”      

There is only one reason why people are separated from God and that was the fault of man and woman, namely Adam and Eve and their rebellion against God, which effected all the human race from that day forward.  Let me remind you of this, Adam and Eve, were perfect people, without sin or a sin nature.  From that day until now, God’s Word says we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory because we inherited a sin nature as a result of their rebelliousness.  Eve was deceived and Adam chose to sin.  So, we are all separated from God from birth.

Now let me tell you this, it was not God’s intention ever that we would be separated from Him, but God, being a just God, had to punish them for their rebelliousness, which is called sin. Think of this, God would leave His throne in heaven to come down to walk with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day just to fellowship with them.  Sometimes I think we don’t understand the intimacy that they had together and the love and compassion He felt for them.  Now think of this, God put them in a beautiful garden and provided them with everything they needed; they were over the animals and everything was at their disposal, except the tree in the middle of the garden, which was the tree of life that He commanded them not to eat from.  It’s hard to imagine being in a place as beautiful as this garden must have been and having all your needs met and be able to fellowship with God face to face and never fear because you knew His compassion and love and mercy and grace firsthand. 

Now think of this, being in this situation and throwing it all away, by choosing to rebel against God and the heartbreak that God must have experienced, knowing that they rejected Him after He showed that kind of compassion and love and the devastation it caused, especially the separation between them and God.  Many times, we don’t think about the cost, when we rebel against the Lord because of the separation that our rebelliousness causes us.  If you think about it, that will probably be the worst punishment for everybody that ends up in Sheol and is separated from the Lord!! 

I think everybody in our situation with this COVID 19 catastrophe knows firsthand what it feels like being separated from your family and loved ones for a period of time.  It definitely is not fun, think about being separated from them forever.  This is probably one of the reasons why there is so much suicide taking place in our world today, we weren’t created to be alone without any fellowship with anyone else.  We are created to be social beings, needing one another’s fellowship.   

So, the next time you have a problem with your wife, a good friend, or a family member, remember this, losing any one of these relationships may cost you more than you realize.  You may never be able to mend that relationship, you may be separated forever.            

I think the message is clear, let’s love one another with an everlasting love.  I hope this has been a blessing and encouragement and help to all who read it.  God bless you and yours with His perfect peace, love and joy, health and happiness.  And don’t forget, if you haven’t yet today, thank and praise the Lord for He is worthy!!


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