Thursday, September 17, 2020

Be Not Conformed To This World!!

 Think of a copycat, as we would probably say today, what are they known for?  For doing whatever someone else does, but if we are believers, we are not to do that.  We need to be very careful to do the right thing and not just fall in line with the rest of the crowd.  We need to be careful also of what we believe when we hear things and not just agree with others just because what they write, or say, sounds good.  No, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. 

God’s word tells us to study to show ourselves approved, a workman who is not ashamed, who is able to divide the word of truth!!  That is how we will renew our minds, we need to read and study and meditate and pray that the precious (Ruach ha – Kodesh) Holy Spirit will lead us and teach us all the truth that we need to know and bring all these truths back when we need them.  We also need to seek and ask the Lord for His wisdom and knowledge and understanding and discernment.  

So many seem to play follow the leader today because the people they follow seem like nice people or because they have a title or have money or are famous or very popular.  Or maybe they have impressive degrees behind their names.  We need to be careful about deception by being hoodwinked by great imposters that live one way in public and another behind closed doors.  There are many that seem nice at first because they have an agenda and that is to gain something for themselves that in the end will only bring hurt and pain to you.  This can happen to anyone, rich or poor, famous or very intellectual, regardless of their status or position in life and it is happening every day.

That is why we all need a close relationship with the One who knows each of us the best.  The One who knows our coming in and going out, our rising up and our sitting down, the One who knows our every thought and every action we will take after the thought comes to our minds, but still loves us in spite of ourselves.  And who could that be; the One and only precious true God, the creator of heaven and earth and all that came forth when He spoke the world into existence, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, He is totally, totally awesome, and I think He is the only one that word should be used for, along with His precious only begotten Son Jesus and his precious Holy Spirit period for they are truly assume!!

Do you think maybe that is one of the reasons why the word of God says in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in Adonai with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”  When we lean on our understanding it is easy to fall off the straight and narrow path that leads to God’s kingdom and go into all kinds of worldly circumstances and problems that we should avoid at all cost.  

Many of these things that we should avoid may contribute to us conforming to the world, so we must be careful!!  We need to be praying and seeking the good Lord for wisdom and discernment.  I hope your day will be very fruitful and that you and yours will be very blessed.  Don’t forget to thank and praise the Lord for He is awesome and worthy!!

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