Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What Time Is It

There is a time and season for everything under the sun.  God has made everything beautiful in its time.  Question: What season are you in?  We will go through different trials and tribulations like Jesus said we would.  He also said to be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.  Only if we keep a positive attitude, we can experience all these things and be cheerful.  We can also overcome with the Lord’s help, no matter what season we find ourselves in.  Our attitude will determine how we will get through all the seasons that we experience in our lives.  There may be a time when we might be struggling, trying to pay the bills or even putting food on our table.  Be encouraged the Psalmist said in chapter 37:25, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous one forsaken nor his children begging for bread.”

I can relate to this along with financial situations also.  I was laid off work at one time, in the past, and I would go out and open the front door, on the stairs would be food at times and the same thing with the back door.  I lived on the second floor at the time in an apartment house.  I can attest to this also, if you truly trust in the Lord, He will provide for you.  

When I needed financial help the good Lord provided that also.  At the time I was laid off work, the Union Stewart from where I had worked called me and asked if I would be home because he had a basket for me.  When he stopped over, he had nine boxes of groceries and some money for me.  There were so many cans of food I didn’t know what to do with them all, so I put them on the top of the bunk bed.  People sent me money in the mail, at times.  I have been walking down the street and have had someone stop me and give me money, praise the Lord.  I don’t think the situation with the Union Stewart ever happened before this, praise the good Lord!!  You may be in that season right now, so I want to encourage you to hang in there and not give up.

Maybe you are going through a time of sickness and you feel like you will never be healed.  I can relate to that to, I have had a miraculous healing also.  I had severe asthma for years and years, over fifty years, and one morning when I was praying about different things that I wanted to be healed of, I heard a voice in my mind that said, “if you were to be healed of one of these things, what would you want to be healed of,” to which I replied the asthma.  I have never had severe asthma since, in fact I jogged from Otsiningo Park in Binghamton to Endicott, about fifteen miles, without any breathing problem whatsoever which was unheard of in my situation before this healing occurred.  This happened about fifteen years ago, praise the good Lord!!

I don’t want you to feel like I was someone special to the Lord, He loves us all the same and He gets all the glory and all the honor, plus all thanks and praise.  If you are one of his children by rebirth or born-again, by faith you can expect the same provision.  You can find yourself in many seasons of life but remember they are seasons and they too shall pass, so continue to put your hope and trust in the good Lord for He cares for you.

May you and yours be blessed with the Lord’s perfect peace, love and joy and health and happiness!!  May all of you have a super, super nice day!! If you haven’t yet, give the good Lord a shout of praise for He is truly, truly worthy!!

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