Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Push The Rewind Button

Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord, for it is fitting to praise Him. Psalms 33:1 

This lesson goes along with yesterdays lesson.

For those of you who feel down and discouraged because you are being bombarded by the evil one, you feel like you are at your wits end, and nothing you do seems to go right, when you feel like your back is against the wall and it seems you have nowhere to turn and you’re ready to throw your hands in the air and scream, push the rewind button.  If your life feels like it is spiraling out of control, stop what you are doing and push the rewind button.

Think about what your life was like when you were drawn to Jesus and you repented and confessed your sins and committed your life to Him.  Think about the peace, love and joy you experienced.  The Lord delivered you of things in your past and cleansed your sins and also took the guilt of your past life away and set you free.  Think of the joy you had and the excitement you felt.  You were overwhelmed with what you were experiencing, you couldn’t put into words what you felt like.

You felt clean and pure and forgiven for the first time in your life.  Things didn’t seem near so complicated and you felt like you were floating through life without a care in the world.  But as time went on life and circumstances and situations changed and little by little all these things took a toll on your life and you lost much of your joy and excitement.  Now instead of feeling like you’re floating through life, you feel like you are being dragged!

The Lord never intended life to be that way for His children.  Jesus said in John chapter 10 verse 10, “The thief’s purpose is to kill, steal and destroy, my purpose is to give life in all its fullness.”  Praise the Lord, He wants the best for us.  The problem is we get our eyes off Jesus and put them on many of the things that hinder us.  We get ourselves so busy we have no time for the Lord, and if we do take time with the Lord our minds are so cluttered with other things all we are doing is going through the motions and accomplish nothing.  If all you do is give the Lord lip service then you will continue in your downhill spiral and end up crashing.

What you and I need to do if we find ourselves in this condition is stop and push the rewind button.

We need to remember what we did when we first believed and start doing that again.

It is sort of like a Christian marriage, most marriages start out very passionate many people think that they can live on love forever.  That goes on for a while then reality sets in and many things start to change.  Careers may change then babies start coming along and they take up a lot of the time you once spent with each other.  Many times unforeseen circumstances and situations arise and put a strain on the marriage and you realize the honeymoon is over.  Then instead of spending time communicating with each other many couples start drifting apart.  Then many times with the busy schedule your time with the Lord gets shortened or put on hold all together, and with all these things going on, not to mention the fights and arguments, it is easy to start falling apart.

Then it is time to push the rewind button before the marriage falls apart completely.  Remember that in a Christian marriage it takes three to be successful, and I am not talking about one where you are just hanging on.  It takes a husband and a wife and the Lord to make a great marriage.  A Christian marriage is not just a feeling but it is a commitment to the Lord and also to each other.

I am convinced that if married couples that are committed to the Lord live out what the Word says they will have a great-blessed marriage.  So don’t forget if you find yourselves in either one of these scenarios push the rewind button and start doing the things you used to do and don’t be shocked when you find the peace and joy flooding back into your lives.  Remember the joy of the Lord is our strength, so start praising and thanking the Lord and have a great day.
God Bless You!

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