Monday, February 28, 2011

Are You Set Free?

The Bible says in John 8: 36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”  There are many people that call themselves Christians that are still bound.  Why is this happening to so many that say they are born-again?  I am sure that there is more than one answer.  Let me suggest these:

1.  These people are not truly born–again.
2.  They don’t know who they are in Christ.
3.  They may be born–again but they are not completely sold out to the Lord yet.
4.  They are still babes in Christ just kind of stagnating and not growing.
5.  They never spend time in the Word, or in prayer seeking the Lord.

These are some reasons and there may be a number of other reasons.

Think about this scenario let me give you my version of a story I read not long ago.  A man lost a goat which had been reported stolen and killed and dumped alongside the road.  The man found out where the goat was and went to fetch it, but when he got to where the goat was he found its legs tied but the goat was still alive.  The man untied the animal’s legs but the goat would not get up or move its legs no matter what the man did.  The goat thought that it was still bound.  The animal would not move or believe it was set free until the man picked it up and put it on its feet again.

This is the problem that many Christians might have, although they have been set free they act like they are still bound.  The tragedy is that some are taught that if they were an alcoholic, or something else, they will always be that way.  I am here to say that statement is not true.  If you are born–again and the Lord has set you free from drugs or alcohol or anything else you are set free indeed! Praise God!

I have said this before but it is well worth repeating again, I was set free of drugs and alcohol and cigarettes around 32 years ago and I have never went back to them.  Praise God! I am not alone, there are many, many others that have been set free of these things and are still free after many, many years being bound by them plus other things.  I don’t say this bragging on myself, no, I humbly praise my God for His delivering power in which I can’t thank and praise Him enough.  I think if I was still in that lifestyle I probably would not have lived this long, or I would have been a very miserable person, no, it is only by God’s mercy and grace I have been delivered and set free.

When anyone is drawn by God, the Father, to Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and that person is convicted by the Holy Spirit of his sin and he repents of his sin and is truly sorry and confesses his sins and asks for God’s forgiveness, I believe he will be born–again and he will be set free of sins grip on his life.

It seems to be a common thing that many believers think that God hasn’t forgiven them even after they have confessed their sins and repented of them. Because of this, many are still bound and fearful thinking God is a hard task master.

This shows that they don’t believe that God really loves them so their love for God is not perfected.  The Bible says in 1st John , “There is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”  Verse 19 says, “We love Him because He first loved us.”

Remember Jesus came to give His life a ransom for many. He shed His blood for the forgiveness of sins. In 1 John 1: 9 it says, “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.”

So don’t listen to the lies of the devil, rebuke him and tell him to get behind you, he is a liar and the father of all lies. He comes only to kill, steal and destroy, don’t let him have his way in your life.  No if you have been set free you are free indeed.  So start believing it and start praising God and stand on the promises in His word.  Jesus came to set us free and to give us an abundant life.  Have a great day!

P.S. Don’t forget to thank and praise the Lord for setting you free.  May God bless you!       

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