Friday, November 26, 2010

Glimpse at People and Gaze at the Lord

Let’s talk about this statement.

Question: What does it mean to glimpse at people?
              And what does it mean to gaze at the Lord?

If we glimpse at people we won’t always be comparing ourselves with someone else.

God didn’t make any mistakes when He created us in our mother’s womb.  God made us just the way He wanted us.  Our problem is we start looking at other people then we look at ourselves and many times we don’t like what we see.  We are so concerned about our outward appreance that we neglect what is really important and that is what’s inside.

The Bible proves this in 1 Samuel 16 verse 7 the Lord said to Samuel the Prophet, "do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

If we would look at things the way God does, we would save a lot of money.

Question: What are some things we spend money on just to make ourselves look good, and I mean a lot of money?
     How about makeup?
     How many different colors of lipstick, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils? 
     What about shampoos, hair colors, hairstyles and cuts?
     Then there are clothes, shirts, slacks, dresses, and shoes.
     Think about how many different pairs of shoes that you have, how many can you wear at one time? and what about coats, hats?
     What about jewelry?
          And most of these things have to be the latest fashions.
     What about diets, tanning beds, face lifts, plastic surgery?
     What about perfumes, how many different ones do you have?

And the same thing happens with us men, all of us do so many things and spend so much money to make ourselves look good on the outside when the inside is what really counts!

Tell me something, who do you think sets the standard? These are all worldly things that people are making millions of dollars on. We are making others rich at our expense.

We learn to do these things through the media, TV, movies, magazines, advertisements, radio and through other worldly means. Basically the world has a certain standard and we follow after it.

The Bible says this in Romans chapter 12, "And do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

At a very young age we have let the things of the world shape and mold us into what we have become.  How do I know that?  Just look at the things you are wearing, think about your speech, and many of your actions? God made us to be individuals, not one of us is alike.

One thing all of us have in common is that we were created in God's image and likeness.  Another thing we have in common is that we were all born with a sin nature.  So we have no problem living a sinful life.

I am not saying that it is wrong to have some things and to make ourselves look as good as we can but we need a balance in all things. If we keep our eyes on the Lord and seek Him above all other things He will help us to have that balance we need so badly.  God’s standard is so much different than the world's.

The Bible says that God’s purpose is that you become transformed into His image and likeness.  His purpose is to help you to become more complete in Him.

He wants to prosper you and not to harm you and to give you hope and a future. He wants to pour His love into you and give you the peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.  He wants to work all things out for your good if you trust Him.

God accepts you just the way you are, after all He created you in His image and likeness.  If you don’t meet the standards of the world the people of the world have a way of not accepting you and kind of throwing you on the sidelines because you’re not good enough for them.  God accepts you the way you are and then He makes something even more beautiful out of you because He loves you.

I encourage you not to allow yourself to conform to the ways of the world anymore but let the Lord transform your life into something beautiful from the inside. Think of the word metamorphose, the transformation of the caterpillar into the beautiful butterfly. This is not just a covering over of the caterpillar, but is a complete transformation into the butterfly.

This reminds me of the blood of Jesus and the animal’s blood. The animal's blood was a covering over of sin but the blood of Jesus cleansed and purified sin so it was completely removed. The Bible says, though your sin be as scarlet they will be white as snow."  Praise God!

If God can do that for the caterpillar, how much more important are you to Him than a butterfly? If you allow Him He will transform you into something far more beautiful than a butterfly.

And remember people are not perfect and sooner or later they will likely hurt you and even let you down, even if they are Christians and you will probably hurt them and let them down also. But remember to love and forgive. And don’t forget that none of us are perfect only God is.

I started this message with 'glimpse at people and gaze at the Lord' for He will never let you down and He will never leave you or forsake you. Praise God!

Have a great day and God bless you.

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